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Micro Radish

Micro Radish is one of the most popular varieties, because of its unique peppery flavour, extraordinary shelf-life and crispy texture. It is rich in Vitamin A, B, C, E, K, all essential amino acids, and plant estrogens that is helpful with symptoms related to menopause, hot flashes, and fibrocystic disease.
It is suitable for a wide range of dishes, from stir-fry to salads to sandwiches, adding a crunchy peppery green to all kinds of food.


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Micro Radish 白蘿蔔苗

  • Shelf life: 1-2 weeks, depends on plant;
    Watering: 30ml per day;
    Keep it under light at day time if possible.

  • The lead time for Micro Radish: 1 week
    To ensure the quality of the plant, a lead time ranging from 1-2 weeks is needed.

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